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* Accessory Nerve – Schema * Action of Intrinsic Muscles of Larynx * Afferent Innervation of Mouth and Pharynx * Anterior and Posterior Chambers of Eye * Anterior Chamber Angle of Eye * Arteries and Veins of Hypothalamus and Hypophysis * Arteries and Veins of Orbit and Eyelids * Arteries of Brain – Frontal View and Section * Arteries of Brain – Inferior Views * Arteries of Brain – Lateral and  Medial Views * Arteries of Nasal Cavity * Arteries of Oral and Pharyngeal  Region * Arteries of Posterior Cranial Fossa * Arteries to Brain and Meningens * Arteries to Brain – Schema * Atlantooccipital Joint * Auditory Tube * Autonomic Innervation of Nasal Cavity * Autonomic Nerves in Head * Autonomic Nerves in Neck * Basal Ganglia * Bones of Cranial Base Superior View * Bony Framework of Head and Neck * Brainstem * Calvaria * Carotid Arteries * Cartilages of Larynx * Cerebellum * Cerebrum – Inferior View * Cerebrum – Lateral Views * Cerebrum – Medial Views * Cervical Plexus in Situ * Cervical Plexus – Schema * Cervical Vertebrae (1) * Cervical Vertebrae (2) * Cervical Vertebrae – Atlas and Axis * Ciliary Ganglion – Schema *  Circle of Willis * Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid * Cranial Base – Inferior Views * Cranial Nerve Nuclei in Brainstem – Schema (1) * Cranial Nerve Nuclei in Brainstem – Schema (2) * Cranial Nerves (Motor and Sensory Distribution) – Schema * Cutaneous Nerves of Head and Neck * Deep Veins of Brain * External Craniocervical Ligaments * External Ear and Thympanic Cavity * External Nose * Extrinsic Eye Muscles * Eyeball * Eyelids * Facial Layers of Neck * Facial Nerves Branches and Parotid Gland * Facial Nerves – Schema * Fascia of Orbit and Eye * Fauces * Floor of Mouth * Foramina of Cranial Base – Superior View * Fourth Ventricle and Cerebellum * Glossopharyngeal Nerve – Schema * Hippocampus and Fornix * Hypoglossal Nerve – Schema * Hypothalamus and Hypophysis * Infrahyoid and Suprahyoid Muscles * Inspection of Larynx * Inspection of Oral Cavity * Intrinsic Arteries and Veins of Eye * Instrinsic Muscles of  Larynx * Lacrimal Apparatus * Lateral Nasal Wall (1) * Lateral Nasal Wall (2) * Lens and Supporting Structure * Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Oral and Pharyngeal Region *Lymph Vessels and Nodes of  Tongue and Pharynx * Mandible * Mandibular Nerves * Maxillary Arteries * Medial Nasal Wall * Meningeal Arteries * Meninges and Diploic Veins * Meninges and Superficial Cerebral Veins * Muscles Involved in Mastication (1) *  Muscles Involved in Mastication (2) * Muscles of Facial Expression – Anterior View * Muscles of  Neck – Anterior View * Muscles of  Neck – Lateral View * Muscles of Pharynx – Lateral View * Muscles of Pharynx – Partially Opened – Posterior View * Muscles of Pharynx – Sagittal Section * Nerves of Larynx * Nerve of Nasal Cavity (1) * Nerve of Nasal Cavity (2) * Nerve of Oral and Pharyngeal Regions * Nerve of Orbit * Occulomotor, Trochlear and Abducens Nerves – Schema *  Olfactory Nerve – Schema * Ophtalmic and Maxillary Nerve * Optic Nerve Visual Pathway – Schema * Osseus and Membranous Labyrinths * Osseus and Membranous Labyrinths (2) * Otic Ganglion – Schema * Paranasal Sinuses (1) * Paranasal Sinuses (2) * Paranasal Sinuses – Change with Age * Parathyroid Glands * Pathway of Sound Reception * Pharynx – Sagittal Section * Pterygopalatine and Submandibular Ganglia – Schema * Roof of Mouth * Salivary Glands * Scalene and Prevertebral Muscles * Skull of Newborn * Skull – Anterior View * Skull – Lateral View * Skull – Midsagittal Section * Subclavian Arteries * Subpendymal Veins of Brain * Superficial Arteries and Veins  of Face and Scalp * Superficial Veins and Cutaneous Nerves of Neck * Taste Pathways -Schema * Teeth * Teeth (2) * Temporomandibular Joint * Thalamus * Thyroid Glands and Pharynx Posterior View * Thyroid Gland – Anterior View * Tongue (1) * Tongue (2) * Tongue and Mouth Section * Trigeminal Nerve – Schema *Tympanic Nerve * Vagus Nerve – Schema * Veins of Oral and Pharyngeal Regions * Veins of Cranial Posterior Fossa * Venous Sinuses of  Duramater (1) *  Venous Sinuses of Duramater (2) * Ventricle of Brain * Vestibulocochlear Nerve – Schema



* Arteries of Spinal Cord – Intrinsic Distribution * Arteries of Spinal Cord – Schema * Autonomic Nervus System – General Topography * Autonomic Nervus System – Schema * Cholinergic and Adrenergic Synapses – Schema * Dermatomes * Lumbar Region of Back – Cross Section * Lumbar Vertebrae * Muscles of Back – Deep Layer * Muscles of Back – Intermediate Layers * Relation of Spinal Nerve Root to Vertebrae * Muscles of Back – Superficial Layers * Nerves of Back * Spinal Cord Cross Section – Fiber Tract * Spinal Cord In Situ * Spinal Membrane and Nerve Roots * Spinal Nerve Origin – Cross Section * Suboccipital Triangle * Thoracic Vertebrae * Typical Thoracic Spinal Nerve * Veins of Spinal Cord * Vertebral Column * Vertebral Ligaments – Lumbar Region *  Vertebral Ligaments – Lumbosacral Region



* Anterior Thoracic Wall (1) * Anterior Thoracic Wall (2) * Anterior Thoracic Wall – Internal View * Arteries of Esophagus * Arteries of Mammary Glands * Atria – Ventricles and Interventricular Septum * Autonomic Nerves in Thorax * Bony Framework of Thorax * Bronchial Arteries and Veins * Bronchopulmonary Segment (1) * Bronchopulmonary Segment (2) * Cervical Ribs and Related Anomalies * Conduction System of Heart * Coronary Arteries and Cardiac Veins * Coronary Arteries and Cardiac Veins – Variations * Coronary Arteries – Arteriographic Views * Costovertebral Joint * Diaphragm – Abdominal Surface * Diaphragm – Thoracic Surface * Esophagogastric Junction * Esophagus In Situ * Heart – Anterior Exposure * Heart – Basal and Diaphragmatic Surfaces * Heart In Situ * Innervation of Blood Vessels – Schema * Innervation of Heart – Schema * Innervation of  Tracheobronchial – Schema * Intercostal Nerve and Arteries * Intrapulmonary Blood Circulation – Schema * Intrinsic Nerves and Variations in Nerves of Esophagus * Left Atrium and Ventricle * Lung In Situ – Anterior View * Lungs – Medial View * Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Esophagus * Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Lung * Lumph Vessels and Nodes of Mammary Gland * Mediastinum – Left Lateral View * Main Bronchi with Pulmonary Arteries and Veins In Situ * Mammary Glands * Mediastinum – Cross Section * Mediastinum – Right Lateral View * Muscles of Respiration * Musculature of Esophagus * Nerve of Esophagus * Nerve of Heart – Schema * Nomenclature of Bronchii – Schema * Pericardial Sac * Pharyngoesophageal Junction * Phrenic Nerve * Posterior and Lateral Thoracic Walls * Posterior Thoracic Wall * Prenatal and Postnatal Circulation * Pulmonary Arteries and Veins * Ribs and Sternocostal Joints * Right Atrium and Ventricle * Topography and Constrictions of Esophagus * Topography of Lung – Anterior View * Topography of Lung – Posterior View * Trachea and Major Bronchi * Valves of Heart (1) * Valves of Heart (2) * Veins of Esophagus



* Anterior Abdominal Wall – Deep Dissection * Anterior Abdominal Wall – Intermediate Dissection * Anterior Abdominal Wall – Superficial Dissection * Anterior Abdominal Wall – Internal View * Bony Framework of Abdomen * Arteries of Anterior Abdominal Wall * Femoral Sheath and Inguinal Canal * Inguinal and Femoral Region * Inguinal Region – Dissection * Inguinal Canal and Spermatic Cord * Nerve of Anterior Abdominal Wall * Posterolateral of Abdominal Wall * Rectus Sheath – Cross Section * Thoraco-Abdominal Nerve * Veins of Anterior Abdominal Wall



* Anorectal Musculature * Arteries and Veins of Pelvic Organs – Female * Arteries and Veins of Pelvic – Female * Arteries and Veins of Pelvic – Male * Arteries and Veins of Perineum and Uterus * Arteries and Veins of Perineum – Male * Arteries and Veins of Testis * Arteries of Rectum and Anal Canal * Bones and Ligaments of Pelvis (1) * Bones and Ligaments of Pelvis (2) * Descent of Testis * Endopelvic Fascia and Spaces * External Anal Sphincter Muscle – Perineal View * Homologues of External Genitalia * Homologues of Internal Genitalia * Innervation of Female Reproductive Organs – Schema * Innervation of Male Reproductive Organs – Schema * Innervation of Urinary Bladder and Lower Ureter – Schema * Ischiorectal Fossa * Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Pelvis and Genitalia – Female * Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Pelvis and Genitalia – Male * Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Perineum – Male * Nerve of External Genitalia – Male * Nerve of Pelvic Viscera – Male * Nerve of Pelvic Viscera – Female * Nerve of Perineum and External Genitalia – Female *  Neuropathways in Parturition * Ovary, Ova and Follicles * Pelvic Content – Female * Pelvic Content – Male * Pelvic Diaphragm – Female (1) * Pelvic Diaphragm – Male (2) * Pelvic Viscera and Perineum – Female * Pelvic Viscera and  Perineum – Male * Pelvis Viscera – Female * Penis * Perineopelvic Space * Perineum (Superficial Dissection) – Female * Perineum and External Genitalia (Deeper Dissection) – Male * Perineum and External Genitalia (Superficial Dissection) – Male * Perineum and External Genitalia – Female * Perineum and Urogenital Diaphragm – Female * Prostate and Seminal Vesicle * Rectum and Anal Canal * Rectum In Situ – Female and Male * Scrotum and Contents * Sex Differences of Pelvis – Measurements * Testis, Epididymis and Ductus Deferens * Urethra – Female * Urethra – Male * Urinary Bladder – Female and Male *  Urinary Bladder – Orientation and Supports * Urogenital Diaphragm – Male * Uterus and Adnexa * Uterus – Age Chanes and Muscle Pattern * Uterus – Vagina and Supporting Structures * Uterus – Variations in Position * Veins of Rectum and Anal Canal



* Arm – Serial Cross Section * Arteries and Nerves of Hand – Palmar Views * Axilla (Dissection) – Anterior View * Axillary Artery and Anastomoses Around Scapula * Bones of Elbow * Bones of Forearm * Bones of Wrist and Hand * Bony Attachment of Muscles of Forearm – Anterior View * Bony Attachment of Muscles of Forearm – Posterior View * Brachial Artery and Anastomoses Around Elbow * Brachial Artery In Situ * Brachial Plexus – Schema * Bursae – Spaces and Tendon Sheaths of Hand * Carpal Bones * Clavicle and Sternoclavicular Joint * Flexor and Extensor Tendons in Finger * Flexor Tendons – Arteries and Nerves at Wrist * Forearm – Serial Cross Sections * Glenohumeral Joint * Humerus and Scapula – Anterior View * Humerus and Scapula – Posterior View * Individual Muscles of Forearm – Extensor of Wrist and Digits * Individual Muscles of Forearm – Flexors of Digits * Individual Muscles of Forearm  – Flexors of Wrist * Individual Muscles of Forearm – Rotators of Radius * Intrinsic Muscles of Hand * Ligament of Elbow * Ligament of Wrist (1) * Ligament of Wrist (2) * Lumbrical Muscles and Bursae – Space and Sheath – Schema * Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal Ligaments * Movement of Wrist * Muscle of Rotator Cuff * Muscle of Forearm (Deep Layer) – Anterior View * Muscle of Forearm (Deep Layer) – Posterior View * Muscle of Forearm (Intermediate Layer) – Anterior View * Muscle of Forearm (Superficial Layer) – Anterior View * Muscle of Forearm (Superficial Layer) – Posterior View * Muscles of Shoulder * Pectoral – Clavipectoral and Axillary Fasciae * Scapulohumeral Dissection * Wrist and Hand – Deeper Palmar Dissections * Wrist and Hand – Superficial Palmar Dissections * Wrist and Hand – Deeper Radial Dissections



* Arteries and Nerves of Thigh – Anterior Views (1) * Arteries and Nerves of Thigh – Anterior Views (2) * Arteries and Nerves of Thigh – Posterior Views * Arteries of Femoral Head and Neck * Arteries of Thigh and Knee – Schema * Bones of Foot (1) * Bones of Foot (2) * Bony Attachments of Muscles of Hip and Thigh – Anterior View * Bony Attachments of Muscles of Hip and Thigh – Posterior View * Bony Attachments of Muscles of Leg * Calcaneus * Common Peroneal Nerve * Coxal Bone * Dermatome of Lower Limb * Dorsum of Foot – Deep Dissection * Femor * Femoral Nerve and Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve * Hip Joint * Interosseous Muscles and Deep Arteries of Foot * Interosseous  Muscles of Foot * Knee – Anterior View * Knee – Cruciate and Collateral Ligaments * Knee – Inferior View * Knee – Lateral and Medial Views * Knee – Posterior and Sagittal Views * Leg – Cross Section and Fascial Compartments * Ligament and Tendon of Ankle * Ligament and Tendons of Foot – Plantar View * Lumbar Plexus * Lumbosacral and Coccygeal Plexus * Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Lower Limb * Muscles of Dorsum of Foot – Superficial Dissection * Muscles of Hip and Thigh – Lateral View * Muscles of Hip and Thigh –  Posterior View * Muscles of Leg (Deep Dissection) – Anterior View * Muscles of Leg (Deep Dissection) – Posterior View * Muscles of Leg (Intermediate Dissection) – Posterior View * Muscles of Leg (Superficial Dissection) – Anterior View * Muscles of Leg (Superficial Dissection) – Posterior View * Muscles of Leg – Lateral View * Muscles of Sole of Foot – First Layer * Muscles of Sole of Foot – Second Layer * Muscles of Sole of Foot – Third Layer * Nerves of Hip and Buttock * Obturator Nerve * Psoas and Iliacus Muscles * Sacral and Coccygeal Plexus * Sciatic Nerve and Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve * Sole of Foot – Superficial Dissection * Superficial Nerves and Veins of Lower Limb – Anterior View * Superficial Nerves and Veins of Lower Limb – Posterior View * Tendon Sheath of Ankle * Thigh – Serial Cross Section * Tibia and Fibula (1) * Tibia and Fibula (2) * Tibial Nerve



* Appendicitis *Acute Appendicitis * Appendiceal Rupture * Appendicitis (2) * Appendicitis and Crohn Disease * Appendicitis Perforata (1) * Appendicitis Perforata (2) * Appendix Ruptured with Periappendicular Abscess * Appendix with Abscess *Abdominal and Thoracic Repair * Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (1) * Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (2) * Abdominal Mass * Abdominoplasty (1) * Abdominoplasty (2) * Aberrent of Biliary System * Anastomosis Leakage of Ileo-colica * Anatomy of a Four Year Old Child * Anatomy of Retroperitoneal Space (1) * Anatomy of Retroperitoneal Space (2) * Anatomy of the Kidney * Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion Procedure * Anterior L4-5 Interbody Fusion * Anterior Lumbar Fusion Using BAK Cages * Aorta to SMA Bypass * Bile Leak with ARDS * Bladder and Rectal Prolapsed * Bladder Augmentation with Ileal and Mitrofanoff Procedure * Bladder Removal-Ileal Loop and Urostomy bag * Bowel Injury and Perforation * Bowel Injury-Adhesions causing Obstruction of Arteries * Bowel Ischemia * Bowel Puncture during Laparoscopic * Bowel Resection with Wound Closure * Cecostomy * Cholecystectomy * Cholecystectomy Prosedure (1) * Cholecystectomy Procedure (2) * Cholecystectomy with Injury to the CBD * Cholecystitis with Subsequent Rupture * Chronic Open Abdominal Wound * Colchicine Toxicity * Colitis Ulcerative * Colon Cancer (1) * Colon Cancer (2) * Colon Lesion * Colon Polyps * Colonic Ischemic with Toxic Megacolon * Colonoscopy * Colonoscopy Procedure * Colonoscopy with Removal of Polyp * Colorectal Mass * Colostomy Irigation * Colostomy Pouch * Coronary Artery Blockage * Crohn Disease * Damaged Sigmoid Colon with Creation of Colostomy * Dangers of Hyposplenia * Diaphragmatic Hernia * Diarrhea Resulting from Loss of Terminal Ileum * Diastasis of Rectal Muscle with Bowel Adhesion * Diverticulitis * Diverticulitis-Ulcerative Colitis and Polyps * Double J Stent for Constricted Ureter * Drainage of Pelvic Abscess * Effects of Lower Spinal Cord Compression * Encephalopathy * Endoscopic in Massive Reflux and Lung Damage * Endoscopic Upper GI * Endotracheal Tube Insertion * Enterocutaneous Fistulas * Epidural Anesthesia * ERCP (1) * ERCP (2) * ERCP (3) * Erection Device Procedure * Esophageal Injury with Repair * Exploratory Laparotomy * Extensive Abdominoplasty * Failed Cholecystectomy with Leaking Cystic Duct * Female with Internal Body Organs * Femoral Nerve Injury * Function of Digestive System * Gall Stones (1) * Gall Stones (2) * Gallbladder * Gallbaldder Removed * Gas Exchange in the Placenta * Gastric Bypass * Gastric Volvulus * Gastroesophageal Reflux * Gastrostomy and Tracheostomy * Gastrostomy Tube (1) * Gastrostomy Tube (2) * Gastrostomy Tube (3) * Gastrostomy Tube (4) * Hartmann’s Procedure * Hemorrhaging Duodenal Ulcer * Hemorrhoid grade 3-4 * Hepaticojejunostomy * Hernias * Iatrogenic Injury to Iliac Artery after Trocar Placement * Iatrogenic to Iliac Artery during Lumbar Spine Surgery * Iatrogenic Ureter Injury causing Laparoscopic * Ileal Anastomosis * Ileocolic Anastomosis Procedure * Ileostomy * Improper of Gastrostomy Tube * Infection of the Small Bowel * Inflamation and Adhesion of the Pelvis * Inflamed Pancreas * Inflamed Retrocecal Appendix * Inguinal Hernia Repair * Inguinal Hernia Repair with Complication * Injuries of the Rib-Hip-Brain-Spleen-Lungs * Injury to the CBD (1) * Injury to the CBD (2) * Insertion of Trocar in Abdomen * Instrument of Lap-Chole * Intraoperative Uterine Perforation with Bowel Injury * Intraabdominal and Pelvic Adhesions * Intraoperative Bowel Perforation * Intraoperative Ureter Injuries * Ischemic Bowel with Resection * J-Pouch for Ileorectal Anastomosis * Kyphosis with Surgical Fusion * L5-S2 Disc Herniation with Bowel-Bladder Dysfunction * Laparoscopic * Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with Bile Duct Injury * Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with Conversion * Laparoscopic Colostomy * Laparoscopic Hernia Repair * Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair * Laparoscopic Insufflation * Laparoscopic Oophorectomy with Transection of Right Ureter * Laparoscopic Perforation of  Bowel with Peritonitis * Laparoscopic to Remove Bowel Adhesion * Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair * Laparoscopic with Bowel Perforation * Laparoscopic with Injury to the Iliac Vein * Laparoscopic vs Open Laparotomy * Laparotomy Incision Scar * Laparotomy with Bowel Resection * Lap-Chole vs Open Cholecystectomy * Liposuction of the Abdomen * Liver Damage * Liver Fibrosis * Lobectomy of the Lung * Lumbar Disc Herniation * Lumbar Fusion Procedure * Lumbar Sympathetic Injection with Bladder Neuropathy * Lymph Nodes of Abdominal * Lymphatic System * Lysing of Abdominal Adhesions * Mesenteric Ischemia * Mesenteric Torsion * Mesenteric Veins Trombosis * Metastasis of Colon Cancer to the Liver * Metastatic Testis Cancer * Methods of CBD * Mis-Injection into the Pancreatic Duct * Multiple Injuries * Nephrectomy (1) * Nephrectomy (2) * Nissen Funduplication (1) * Nissen Funduplication (2) * Pain Management * Pancreatic Cells * Penetrating Abdominal Injury * Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG TUBE) * Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiogram * Perforating Duodenal Ulcer * Perforating of Duodenal Ulcer with Peritonitis * Perforating of the Esophagus * Peritoneal Dialisis * Phimosis * Piece of Acromion * Pituitary Glands Deficiency * Placement of Greenfield Filter * Placement of Stent in Bile Duct * Plate and Screw for Fracture * Polyposis Coli * Post Accident Bowel Injuries with Repair * Post Accident Injuries to the Abdomen * Post Operative Adhesion * Post Operative Bowel Obstruction * Post Operative Cholecystectomy * Post Operative Cholecystectomy with Bile Leakage * Post Operative Obstruction of the Ureter * Posterior Abdominal Peritoneum * Pre Operative Bowel Obstruction * Prevention of Regurgitation and Aspiration * Progression of Abdominal Condition * Proper vs Improper Gastrostomy Tube * Prostate Cancer (1) * Prostate Cancer (2) * Prostate Cancer with Prostatectomy * Radiating Pain-Possible Areas * Recosntructive Billiary Surgery * Rectal Condition * Rectal Perforation * Recto- Sigmoidal Cancer * Recto-Vaginal Fistula * Recurrent Ventral Hernia * Removal of Gallbladder with Damage to the CBD * Removal of Polyps of the Colon * Removal of Portion of Esophagus and Stomach * Removed Portion of  Terminal Ileum caused SBS * Repair of AAA * Repair of Bile Duct Injury * Repair of Rectal Perforation * Repair of the Diaphragm * Repair of Ureter with Psoas Hitch Procedure * Resection of Colorectal Mass * Resurrent Abscess with Open Drainage * Retained Sponge with Subsequent Infection * RES * Retroperitoneal Hematoma * Retroperitoneal Hemorrhage * Right Hemicolectomy Procedure * Roux-en-Y Construction * Roux-en-Y Construction of Gastrojejunostomy * Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (1) * Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (2) * Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (3) * Roux-en-Y Gastrojejunostomy * Roux-en-Y to Correct Billiary Tract Injury (1) * Roux-en-Y to Correct Billiary Tract Injury (2) * Ruptered Spleen * SBO with Regurgitation and Aspiration * Severe Diverticulitis and Phlegmon * Severe Gastroenteritis * Severe Pancreatitis * Sigmoid Colectomy with Transection of the Ureter * Sigmoidoscopy * SMA with Lack of Blood Supply to the Intestine * Small Bowel Obstruction(1) * Small Bowel Obstruction (2) * Spina Instability with Anterior Spinal Fusion * Splenectomy * Splenectomy with Incisional Hernia * Stapler for Resection of the Colon * Suprarenal Aortic Aneurysm * Surgical Removal of the Gallbladder * Surgical Repair of Hemorrhaging Duodenal Ulcer * Surgical Site Infection * Surgical Wound Healing * Surgical Wound Management * T6 Spinal Cord Injury * Temporary Colostomy for Infant * Torsion of Testis * Total Colectomy and Ileostomy * Tracheostomy-Gastrostomy and Jejunostomy * Tranfusion Syndrome * Traumatic Insertion of Trocar to the Small Bowel * Traumatic Rupture of Diaphragm * Traumatic to the Thoracic and Abdominal * Treatment of  Hypertension * Trocar Insertion Adjacent to Adherent Bowel * Ulcerated Colon Umbilical Catheter in Newborn * Umbilical Catether in Newborn * Untreated Fecal Impaction * Upper GI Bleeding * Ureteral Calculus with Attempted Ureteroscopy * Vagus Nerve Injury with Gastroparesis * Vasculature of Large Intestine * Ventral Hernia Repair * Villous Adenoma in Colon * Volvulus of Small Bowel * VP Shunt (1) * VP Shunt (2) * VP Shunt (3) * Choledocolithiasis * Cholelithiasis * Hemorrhoid * Intraabdominal Disorder * Pre-hospital of Forearm Injury * Pre-hospital of Forearm Fracture * Pre-hospital of  Hip Fracture * Pre-hospital of Leg Fracture * Pre-hospital of Fracture * Peptic Ulcer (1) * Peptic Ulcer (2) * Peritonitis * Rectal Prolapse * Staging of Colo-rectal Cancer * Visceral Trauma Associated Pelvic Fracture * Volvulus

16 Komentar

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